In July 2019, my friend Zainab and I, along with my cousins Gunilla and Linn, visited Köping: The Most Boring Town in Sweden. We had a blast. And were slightly unimpressed. The people were nice.

The town of Köping was featured in the movie, Tårtgeneralen. Based on a true story, the narrative follows a man, Hasse P., brimming with ideas yet struggling with alcohol and purpose. He takes on the mission of restoring community pride after Köping is voted “The Most Boring Town in Sweden” by a national television show.

His plan to restore community pride is to enlist the help of a small bakery to fashion the World’s Largest Smörgåstorte. A Smörgåstorte is essentially a sandwich masquerading as a cake (see below.) It is a story of love and redemption, second chances, and interdependence.

Our aim was to follow a map made specifically by the town of Köping for tourists to visit the places depicted in the movie. The aim of this blog is to capture that day, with the hope others share their stories of finding joy in the most boring town in Sweden.

As far as I can tell, it’s layers of white bread, egg salad, smoked salmon schmear, and possibly cold cuts, possibly beets, all frosted with mayonnaise and topped with tomatoes, cucumbers and shrimp. Yep.

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